CJO BRITANICO our  aim is to make a difference in teaching and learning  languages since teaching is our passion.
Since 2009  in MUROWANA GOŚLINA have aloud us to reach important accomplishments. We are British Council partners and we encourage our students to obtain internationally recognized standards of English taking exams as YLE, FCE etc. our students have good results at national exams like MATURA and HIGH SCHOOL FINAL TEST.

 TEDDY EDDIE and SAVVY ED accredited school  starting at a very early age and  preparing our children for the next and  more advanced stage of learning.

CJOBRITANICO   takes part in English Language Workshops in the UK yearly.
Bringing exposure to different cultures and broadening general knowledge to our children is as important as giving them the opportunity to break speaking a foreign language barrier”. we go on a pleasurable learning journey at the English Language Workshops in the UK since  2014. We repeat the experience every year or so with great results and awesome memories.

CJO Britanico zaprasza do nauki języków obcych zarówno dzieci jak i osoby dorosłe.Posiadamy szereg zróżnicowanych kursów dopasowany do Twoich możliwości

Check where we teach

ul. Jagodowa 2
Murowana Goslina Polska
ul. Parkowa 6B/ 6
Biedrusko Polska