Playground policy



General provisions

  1. These Regulations define the rules for using the website at and available as mobile applications on Android and iOS.
  2. The entity responsible is Edu Bears spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k., ul. Pszczyńska 69, 44-100 Gliwice NIP: 631 266 05 60, REGON: 363 507 143, KRS: 0000748549, e-mail:, tel: +48 887 03 88 62.


Whenever the Regulations refer to:

  1. Edu Bears – it should be understood as the entity referred to in § 1 section 2;
  2. Accredited Center – it ought to be understood as an Accredited Teddy Eddie Center, where Teddy Eddie courses are conducted;
  3. Service – it ought to be understood as the website at and available as mobile applications on Android and iOS systems;
  4. User – it ought to be understood as an entity using the Website that does not have an Account;
  5. Registered User – it should be understood as an entity using the Website, who has an Account and who is the legal guardian of the Student or an employee of the Accredited Center;
  6. Student – it should be understood as a child who is a participant of the Teddy Eddie course conducted in the Accredited Center, to whom the Registered User has allowed or intends to enable the actual use of the Website;
  7. Registration – it ought to be understood as the User’s use of the functionality of the Website in the form of a registration form by providing relevant data, leading to the creation of an Account;
  8. Account – it ought to be understood as the functionality of the Website, which allows, after logging in to the Website with an individual login and code, access to resources in the IT system in the form of a full version of Exercises and Recordings;
  9. Exercises – this ought to be understood as the functionality of the Website that allows you to perform exercises related to learning English, in accordance with the instructions appearing on the screen.
  10. Recordings – this ought to be understood as the functionality of the Website enabling the use of audio materials intended for learning English.

Digital Services

  1. Edu Bears provides electronic services on the Service. These services consist of:
    1. enabling the creation of an Account and enabling access to this Account;
    2. providing the Users with selected types of Exercises; Exercises available to Users are visible after clicking the “Guest” tab;
    3. providing Registered Users with the full version of the Exercises and Recordings; the full version of the Exercises and Recordings are visible after clicking the “Login / Registration” tab and logging in by a Registered User to the Account;
  2. A registered User has access to the services referred to in sec. 1.3 only in the school year in which the Student attends the classes.
  3. The User / Registered User is obliged to use the Service in accordance with these Regulations and the law. The User / Registered User is obliged not to provide illegal content.
  4. The User / Registered User has the right to file a complaint regarding the Digital Services, referred to in this paragraph. The complaint may be submitted, in particular, via e-mail to the following address: or in writing to the following address: Edu Bears spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k., ul. Pszczyńska 69, 44-100 Gliwice.
  5. Edu Bears will consider the complaint and reply to it no later than within 14 days from the date of its receipt.
  6. In order to properly use the Service and all its functionalities, it is necessary to meet the technical requirements in the form of: having access to the Internet, with Windows 10 or newer, OS X 11 or newer (computer), Android 9.0 or newer, IOS 13.0 or newer (mobile device), having an e-mail account (in the case of Registered Users), as well as installing the latest version of the web browser on the device: Edge, Opera, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox or Safari. Cookies should be enabled in the web browser used.

Creating an account

    1. An account may only be opened by persons who are legal guardians of children participating in the Teddy Eddie course conducted at one of the Accredited Centers or who are employees of the Accredited Center.
    2. Creating an Account requires:
      1. providing an e-mail address at the Accredited Center and receiving an invitation by e-mail to the above-mentioned e-mail address;
      2. completing the Registration form available on the Service by providing the required data, i.e. the e-mail address referred to in point 1 and the code received electronically as well as the name of the Student or his / her own (in the case of employees of the Accredited Center) – if required;
      3. accepting the provisions of these Regulations and the Privacy Policy; a declaration of acceptance of the Regulations and the Privacy Policy is submitted electronically by selecting the appropriate options during the Registration process;
      4. clicking the appropriate button ending the Registration.
    3. The Registered User is obliged to provide correct and true data in the Registration form.
    4. The Registered User shall receive confirmation of the Account creation in an e-mail sent to the address provided in the Registration form.
    5. Access to the Account is possible after logging in to the Service. Logging in takes place by filling in the appropriate form and providing the required data, ie e-mail address and code, and clicking the “Log in” button.
    6. The service of access to the Account is provided for a specified period of time – from the moment of obtaining access to August 31 of a given year. However, a registered User has the option to resign from it at any time, without giving any reason. Resignation from this service may take place by sending Edu Bears relevant information, in particular via e-mail to the following address: or in writing to the following address: Edu Bears spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k., ul. Pszczyńska 69, 44-100 Gliwice. After submitting the statement, Edu Bears will immediately delete the Registered User Account.

Access to Exercises and Recordings

  1. Edu Bears enables Users to access selected types of Exercises. Exercises for Users are available after clicking the “Guest” tab. After clicking on it, the User will be able to select the appropriate chapter, and then the appropriate Exercises from among those available to Users. Some of the Exercises and Recordings are available only to Registered Users. After selecting the appropriate Exercises and Recordings, you can perform them according to the instructions on the screen.
  2. The Registered User may enable the Student to actually use the Exercises and Recordings. The provisions contained in sec. 3 and 4 also apply to the Student, to the extent that the Registered User has enabled him to actually use the Exercises and Recordings.
  3. Edu Bears enables Registered Users to access all available Exercises and Recordings. Exercises and Recordings for Registered Users are available after logging in to the Service. After logging in, you can choose the appropriate chapter and then the appropriate Exercises. After selecting the appropriate Exercises, they should be performed in accordance with the instructions on the screen.
  4. Services related to enabling access to Exercises and Recordings are of a one-off nature and are terminated upon leaving the page with the Exercise and Recording. You may leave this page at any time.

Personal data

  1. Personal data of Registered Users and Students are processed by Edu Bears as the data administrator.
  2. Detailed provisions regarding the processing of personal data by Edu Bears are specified in the Privacy Policy document available on the Service and constituting an appendix to these Regulations.

Final Provisions

  1. The content of the Regulations is available to all persons free of charge on the Service. The regulations may be viewed and printed at any time.
  2. Edu Bears is entitled to amend these Regulations for reasons such as changing the law, changing the data provided in the Registration form or changing the functionality of the Service. The amendment to the Regulations comes into force on the date indicated by Edu Bears – which each time will not be shorter than 7 days from the date of publishing the new Regulations on the Service.
  3. Each Registered User with an Account will be informed about changes to the Regulations. Due to the fact that the service related to the Account is of a continuous nature, changes to the Regulations regarding this service shall bind the Registered User, if he has not terminated the contract regarding the Account within 7 days from the date of notification of the
    changes. The termination may be sent via e-mail to the following address: or in writing to the following address: Edu Bears spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k., ul. Pszczyńska 69, 44-100 Gliwice. In the event of termination of the Account agreement, Edu Bears shall immediately delete the Registered User Account.
  4. In matters not covered by these Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular: the Civil Code, the Act on the provision of electronic services, and the Act on consumer rights.


1. Privacy Policy



(appendix to the Regulations)


[general provisions]

  1. This Privacy Policy sets out the rules for the processing and methods of data protection, including personal data of persons using the Service located on the website and available as mobile applications on Android and iOS systems.
  2. This Privacy Policy constitutes an attachment to the Regulations of the Service and is an integral part thereof.
  3. Whenever the Privacy Policy mentions:
    1. Administrator – it should be understood as Edu Bears spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k. ul. Pszczyńska 69, 44-100 Gliwice, NIP: 631 266 05 60, REGON: 363 507 143, KRS 0000748549, e-mail:, tel .: +48 887 03 88 62;
    2. Language School – it ought to be understood as an Accredited Teddy Eddie Center where Teddy Eddie courses are conducted;
    3. Service – it ought to be understood as the website at and available as mobile applications on Android and iOS systems;
    4. User – it should be understood as an entity using the Service, and this category includes both users who do not have an Account on the Service, as well as Registered Users and Students;
    5. Registered User – it ought to be understood as an entity using the Service, who has an Account and who is the legal guardian of the Student or a teacher working at the Language School;
    6. Student – it should be understood as a child who is a participant of the Teddy Eddie course conducted at the Language School, to whom the Registered User has allowed or intends to enable the actual use of the Service;
    7. Account – it ought to be understood as the functionality of the Service, which allows, after logging in to the Service with an individual login and code, access to resources in the IT system in the form of a full version of Exercises and Recordings;
    8. Exercises – this ought to be understood as the functionality of the Service that allows you to perform exercises related to learning English, in accordance with the instructions appearing on the screen;
    9. Recordings – this ought to be understood as the functionality of the Service that enables the use of audio materials intended for learning English.
  4. As part of the operation of the Service, Users’ data are collected, processed and used. As part of the Service’s activity, information may also be collected about the User’s IP address, the time of receipt of the inquiry and sending the answer, the address of the website from which the User was redirected to the Service and the type of software used by the User. This information is used for the purpose of administering the Service.

[personal data]

  1. The administrator of personal data processed as part of the Service’s operations is Edu Bears spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k. ul. Pszczyńska 69, 44-100 Gliwice NIP: 631 266 05 60, REGON: 363 507 143, KRS: 0000748549, e-mail:, phone: +48 887 03 88 62.
  2. As part of the activities of the Service, the following data is processed:
    1. personal data of the Registered User in the form of the e-mail address provided at the Language School;
    2. personal data of the Student in the form of the name and surname provided by the Registered User at the Language School;
    3. data of the Registered User / Student regarding the use of the Service, i.e. data on the last logins on the Service, the average time spent on performing Exercises and playing Recordings, preferences in the selection of individual Exercises and Recordings, results and effectiveness of Exercises.
  3. Personal data is obtained by the Administrator as follows:
    1. by the Language School providing the Administrator with the personal data of the Students and Registered Users, for whom consent has been given for their disclosure to the Administrator;
    2. by voluntarily providing information by Users in the registration form on the Service;
    3. by analyzing the behavior of Users (referred to in section 2, point 3).
  4. The processing of personal data of Registered Users and Students takes place:
    1. in order to enable the creation of an Account on the Service, access to the Service and use of its functionalities – which is the processing necessary for the conclusion and implementation of the contract for the provision of electronic services (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR);
    2. to create statistics on the use of the Service by Registered Users and Students – which is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR);
    3. in order to provide data back to the Language School in which the Student is taking a language course conducted using the Teddy Eddie method, or – in the scope concerning teachers – in which a given teacher conducts a language course using the Teddy Eddie method, for the purpose of conducting statistical analysis concerning the use of the Service by specific users – which is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR);
    4. in order for the Administrator to conduct direct marketing of his own products or services – sending commercial information – which is the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR).
  5. Personal data is processed:
    1. in the case of data processed in order to conclude and perform contracts, the Administrator may process data for the period of contract performance and the period necessary to pursue its own claims or defend against claims submitted against the Administrator in connection with the contract;
    2. in the case of data processed for the purpose of creating statistics, the Administrator may process them for a period of 3 years from the date of their collection;
    3. in the case of data processed in order to provide the data back to the Language School, the Administrator may process them for a period of 1 year from the date of their collection;
    4. in the case of data processed for the purpose of direct marketing, the Administrator processes them until the User objects to it or until the consent to receive commercial information is withdrawn.
  6. The Administrator may make Users’ data available to its subcontractors (entities that use their services for processing), such as providers of IT services and solutions.
  7. The administrator may use IT service providers established outside the European Economic Area. Therefore, the User’s data may be transferred outside the EEA. The administrator uses entities that process personal data on the basis of Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission, referred to in art. 46 of the GDPR, concluded between
    the Administrator and this entity.
  8. The data subject has the following rights:
    1. the right to access personal data and the right to receive a copy thereof;
    2. the right to rectify personal data;
    3. the right to delete personal data;
    4. the right to request the restriction of the processing of personal data;
    5. the right to transfer personal data;
    6. the right to object to the processing of the personal data provided, if they are processed for the purpose of direct marketing;
    7. the right to object to the processing of the personal data provided for reasons related to the specific situation of the User, also when the data is processed for a purpose other than direct marketing;
    8. the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

In order to exercise the above rights, the User should contact the Administrator.


  1. As part of the activities of the Service, cookies are used that are stored on Users’ end devices. The use of cookies should be understood as their storage and access to them by the Administrator.
  2. Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on the User’s end device and are intended for the use of websites. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the storage time on the end device, content (e.g. action identifiers) and a unique number.
  3. Due to the time for which cookies are installed on the User’s end device, cookies used on the Service are divided into two basic types:
    1. session (session cookies, session storage) – they are temporary files that are stored on the User’s end device until the session expires (e.g. leaving the Service, deleting them by the User, or turning off the software);
    2. permanent (persistent cookies, local storage) – they are stored on the User’s end device for the time specified in the cookie file parameters or until they are deleted by the User.
  4. Depending on the purpose for which they are used, cookies are divided into:
    1. necessary – they enable the use of basic functions of the Service, including such as user login and account management. Without the necessary cookies, the Service cannot be used properly;
    2. performance – they collect information on how visitors use the website, e.g. analytical cookies. These cookies cannot be used to directly identify a specific user;
    3. analytical – they are used to identify visitors between individual websites, e.g. content partners, advertising networks. These cookies may be used by companies to create user interest profiles or display relevant advertisements on other websites.
  5. The Administrator, as part of the Service, uses only the necessary cookies, including the following files:
    1. Essential cookies: version
    2. Name Provider / Domain:
    3. Retention period: permanent
    4. Description of the file: This cookie is designed to detect which version of the website or application is currently displayed to the visitor
  6. The default settings of web browsers usually allow the storage of necessary cookies on end devices of website users. However, these settings can be changed by the User.
  7. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the User may define the conditions for the use of cookies using the settings of the software (web browser) installed on his end device. The change may consist in partial or complete limitation of the possibility of saving cookies on the user’s end device, and may also cause incorrect display of the content of the Service.
  8. The use of cookies does not change the configuration of the User’s end device and the software installed on this device.
  9. Detailed information on changing browser settings for cookies and their removal can be obtained on the official website of a specific browser. In particular, the above information can be found at the following website addresses:
    1. Firefox browser;
    2. Chrome browser;
    3. Microsoft Edge browser;
    4. Opera browser;
    5. Safari browser.