In case tighter regulatory responses are introduced and it is not possible to organize workshop for teachers in the planned location one-day practical workshops for Teddy Eddie / Savvy Ed teachers will be carried out on the same date ONLINE. Technical details to be announced when the change to ONLINE mode is introduced.

  1. THEORY – The foundations of the TEDDY EDDIE method – Course Manual and questions.

  2. PRACTICE – Lesson elements in practice – a workshop (name: TE1d / Teddy Eddie 1-day). The workshop is organized in the given location or in case of tighter epidemic regulatory responses ONLINE.
  3. ONLINE – The Path to Mastery – Obligatory themed webinars:
    a) How to teach the youngest ones: Working with 2- and 3-year-olds. (name: W-START / Webinar TE START)
    b) How to teach global reading: Working with ABC and SCHOOL groups. (name: W-ABC/SCH  / Webinar TE ABC / SCH)
    c) It’s been two months, and I have loads of questions… Q&A and evaluation in Teddy Eddie groups. (name: W-EW/Q&A   /  Webinar TE Evaluation/Q&A). Planned for November / December. Exact dates to be announced.

Taking part in all the above mentioned webinars is compulsory for those who want to obtain the Teddy Eddie Teacher Certificate and for all aspiring Local Method Coordinators.

Webinar TE Evaluation/Q&A is compulsory for all teachers. Webinars TE START and TE ABC / SCHOOL are compulsory for teachers working with these groups.


You can enrol for both the workshops and the webinars through Bears’ Station. The dates of workshops and webinars will be announced on 10th June.


Stage 1 – THEORY – The foundations of the TEDDY EDDIE method

You will learn about:

  • the assumptions of the Teddy Eddie method,
  • working methods used,
  • the elements of Teddy Eddie lessons,
  • techniques for group management,
  • ways of engaging parents,
  • evaluation methods used.


Stage 2 – PRACTICE – Lesson elements in practice.

Duration: 8 hours

You will learn about:

  • the history of the brand,
  • levels in the Teddy Eddie method,
  • characteristic features of the method,
  • the Playground, our online app for children,
  • the responsibilities of a Teddy Eddie teacher.

You will see:

  • a Teddy Eddie lesson in which you will be able to observe the working methods used, as well as elements such as focusing children’s attention, group management, and working in smaller groups or pairs.

You will learn:

  • to conduct key elements of a Teddy Eddie lesson, taking into account the three stages of teaching,
  • to plan Teddy Eddie Lessons,
  • to foster good relations with parents.


STAGE 3 – ONLINE – The Path to Mastery – Obligatory themed webinars:

a) How to teach the youngest ones: Working with START groups.

 You will learn:

  • to work with 2- and 3-year-olds,
  • to focus their attention,
  • to adapt working methods to the age of the youngest learners,
  • to determine the expected learning outcomes,

to cooperate with parents of 2- and 3-year-olds.

b) How to teach global reading: Working with ABC and SCHOOL groups.

You will learn:

  • to introduce global reading in Teddy Eddie lessons,
  • to assess learners’ progress in reading,
  • to conduct a class according to the specifics of working with ABC and SCHOOL groups.

c) It’s been two months, and I have loads of questions… Q&A and evaluation in Teddy Eddie groups.

You will learn:

  • to assess children’s progress
  • to generate progress reports
  • to conduct open lessons

and the most frequent questions regarding work with the Teddy Eddie method will be answered.


1. The certificate of completion of a Teddy Eddie workshop is given to a person who has participated in a one- or two-day workshop for teachers.

2. The Teddy Eddie teacher certificate

a) Teddy Eddie teachers, who were trained by Edu Bears after 2017 will be e-mailed this certificate after fulfilling the following requirements:

  • answering questions to the Course Manual in Bears’ Station,
  • participating in a one- or two-day workshop for teachers,
  • participating* in a full cycle of webinars (Teddy Eddie START, ABC/SCHOOL, EVALUATION/Q&A).

b) teachers who were trained earlier or by their local Method Supervisor will be e-mailed this certificate after:

  • the acceptance of his/her application with information regarding where and when he/she was trained and how long he/she has taught,
  • participating in a full cycle of webinars (Teddy Eddie START, ABC/SCHOOL, EVALUATION/Q&A).

*participation means taking part for the whole duration of the webinar. You can participate in the webinars in different years – obtaining the certificate is possible after completing the whole cycle.

** the application form can be downloaded from the teacher’s cloud in Bears’ Station by the school’s owner or Teddy Eddie Method Supervisor (type WNIOSEK in the search engine)

Attention! Teachers who did not participate in all the webinars live in the previous year and would like to obtain the Teddy Eddie teacher certificate may join the webinars this year. There is no need to re-attend the webinars you saw last year.

3. The Teddy Eddie teacher certificate with confirmation of the quality of classes taught.

A school can apply for verification of a teacher’s class (provided the Teacher has obtained the Teddy Eddie Teacher Certificate) and be awarded this certificate if the class meets the standards set by the authors of the method.


The Teddy Eddie workshop may be attended by a non-teacher – a school owner, manager or a person from the office responsible for contact with the client. Participation in the workshops allows you to get to know the method better, which makes it easier to present the offer to parents and boosts the sales of courses. People who do not teach pay a reduced fee and do not have to read the Course Manual or answer the questions. When enrolling them for the workshop, make sure you tick this box on the personal details page.


The workshops for the Savvy Ed method last one day, before which participants are asked to read the Course Manual and answer some questions. Those who will teach Savvy Ed 2 and Savvy Ed 3 groups are also obliged to take part in webinars (W-SE2 and W-SE3). They will be conducted at the beginning of September. Enrolment via Bears’ Station. Following the webinars, those who will not be able to take part in them on the given date will receive links to the recordings in the newsletter.


Apart from the places on the main list, there is also a reserve list for every workshop. You can enrol teachers for the reserve list. When someone from the main list resigns, the first person from the reserve list can be moved to the main list. The Licensee is obliged to monitor the situation, because if no-one from the main list resigns, the teacher from the reserve list will not be able to participate in the workshop on this date. In such cases, the teacher should be enrolled for a different workshop with available places.

If the reserve list is long, we will try to organize another workshop in a similar location on a similar date.

  • until 11 days before the workshop – the resignation is allowed and cost-free
  • 10-3 days before the workshop – the Licensee covers 50% of the price of the workshop. It is possible to send a different teacher to take the place of the one who resigned.
  • 48 hours before the start of the workshop – in case of resignation or absence, the Licensee pays the full price for the people enrolled.

In the event of  changing the workshop date by the Licensee up to 11 days before the original date

of the workshop, the only cost is the participation in the new workshop on the changed date. If the workshop date is changed later than 11 days before the original workshop, the provisions on resignation apply, and the Licensee also pays the full amount for the participation in the new workshop shown in the Price List.

The participant can be transferred to another workshop using the transfer icon in Bears’ Station.


It is possible to send another participant to replace the one who resigned. To do this, you need to change the participant on the workshop list yourself using the change participant icon. In this case, the Licensee does not bear the cancellation costs.

  • 21 days before the workshop – the Licensee must verify if the data given during the registration is up to date (e.g. number of participants) and complete (name, last name, email. phone number)
  • 14 days before the workshop – the Licensee receives an invoice in accordance with the number of places reserved (3 days maturity)
  • up to 11 days before the workshop – the Licensee pays the fee for the workshop and completes the required data regarding the participants (if it hasn’t been completed before).
  • up to 10 days before the workshop – if no payment is registered, the Licensor has the right to remove any participants enrolled for the workshop (the date of crediting the Licensor’s account is decisive)
  • reading the Course Manual and sending answers to questions via Bears’ Station not later than two days before the workshop is the prerequisite for participation in the workshop, payment for participation and sending correct and authentic data of the participant on enrolment.

The e-mail address given during registration is used to send information regarding the workshop, in particular:

  • 7 days before the workshop the participants receive a link to the Course Manual e-book and access to a form with questions in Bears’ Station. The questions must be answered not later than 2 days before the date of the workshop.
  • 7 days before the workshop the participants are sent organizational details: exact location and time, how to get there, information about the possibility to order lunch, etc.
  • 48 hours before the workshop the participants are sent a reminder about the workshop.

When you are adding participants for the workshop, make sure you tick the box: doesn’t speak Polish.


The workshop may be cancelled by the Licensor up to 9 days before the planned workshop date in the event that the number of the registered participants is less than 12 persons. In this case the payment made by the Licensee will be booked towards another workshop date chosen by them. The Licensor will inform the participants of the workshop cancellation via electronic mail to the address completed on registration.